Prenatal Chiropractic

Prenatal Adjustment is unique in its application. The expectant mother is carefully supported by cushions and pillows in order to provide superior comfort and protect her and the baby from strain or injury. This also helps alleviate extra strain on the lower back and pelvic areas when the pressure of adjustment techniques are applied.

Prenatal adjustment is especially gentle, and deep tissue techniques are never used as a safety precaution. In fact, many areas of the body are avoided during this session to protect mother and child, while extra attention is given to areas of the body that are particularly affected by pregnancy, like the feet and back.

The benefits of prenatal adjustments are numerous. The gentle kneading adjustments can be supremely comforting both physically and emotionally to an expectant mother, and the psychological benefit itself can be quite therapeutic. In addition to stress and anxiety reduction, prenatal chiro can help reduce expectant mothers’ common aches and annoyances, like swollen ankles lower back pain, leg cramps and headaches.

Women with normal, low-­risk pregnancies can benefit greatly from prenatal adjustments. However, women in high­-risk pregnancies should consult their doctor or midwife before beginning a chiropractic therapy program.

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2PM - 5:30PM


11:00 am-3:00 pm


9AM - 12PM

2PM - 5:30PM







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